Feno, who also tied for third on the Falcons in assists (18), was gracious enough to take some feeds from the Flight Path for our latest One-Timers.
Evan, how did you spend your summer?
I started out working in E Sat Logistics, took care of some rabbits and made sure everyone had what they needed. That was definitely an experience.
You have a luxury not a lot of guys have here, and that’s you get to play college hockey in your home state. Was that a factor in your decision to play at the Academy?
It definitely played a role. It’s really nice to be able to go home when you can. My parents can come to every game, so they enjoy aspect. Growing up here I played here a lot so I was kind of familiar with everything. It definitely made me feel more comfortable making my decision.

Photo courtesy of Paat Kelly (Pengo Sports) and Air Force Athletics
What is the breakfast of champions?
I’d say an omlette with bacon, sausage, spinach and some toast.
I’ve heard you have expert DJ skills and at times there is some sort of postgame dancing going on. How did this get started?
I can’t really say how this got started. You just start doing things you think are fun and it just molds into tradition, something you always do. I’m just trying to have fun with it. Everyone else seems to enjoy it and do it with me, so it’s a great time.
What’s on your setlist?
It’s a wide variety, I try to keep everyone guessing. Try to look at the reactions around the locker room, keep everyone happy with the playlist. I enjoy listening to new music and bringing it to the guys.
So you’re the gatekeeper for music for the team?
I guess you could say so.
Did you have a favorite player growing up?
It was Joe Sakic, for sure. I met him a few times, and he’s a great guy. I liked everything about him.
Is there a comedian on the team this year?
We’ve got a lot of comedians. Kyle Mackey’s a big one. He’s always up to something with a little smirk on his face. We’ve got a lot of funny guys, which keeps the locker room light.
When you’re at practice defending someone, who has a skill level that just blows your mind?
Tyler Ledford because of how shifty he is. He starts making moves and it’s hard to stay up with him. Defending him is kind of a nightmare.
Which one of your teammates would make a good general?
Dylan Abood, for sure. He’s very charismatic. He always knows the right thing to say. He’d make a great general.
Do you have a favorite road trip in hockey?
My favorite non-conference trip was going to Omaha, Nebraska, my freshman year (to open Baxter Arena). Favorite in-conference? I’d say anywhere out East, but Boston is always a good time. There’s a lot going on in the city.
What do you do to unplug and relax?
Just sit down and listen to some music. Maybe do some homework.
What’s the best Halloween costume you’ve ever seen?
We had a couple guys last year dress up in sailor costumes that were not made for males. That was interesting.
OK, last one. If Coach Serratore was a super hero, which one would he be?
A super hero. … I don’t even know. He’s his own super hero. He has his own set of skills. I don’t think you can compare to anyone else. It’s hard to compare him to another super hero.
Great article on Mr. Feno!